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Time for Art News

January 2022 to date

Since receiving the lottery grant, Time for Art has been extremely busy running art workshops with a number of groups. So far this year, Time for Art has worked with young asylum seekers, youngsters from Children Heard and Seen, Be Free Young Carers, Ukrainian families, and youth and mental health groups supported by the charity, The Branch.

Read our 2022 Newsletter here

December 2021

Time for Art was delighted to receive a National Lottery grant.  This will enable the charity to offer up to 30 fully funded art workshops to a variety of new recipients.

If your organisation would like to receive these workshops please contact our administrator David Rudge in the first instance for more information at

Summer 2019

Art Workshops with young people who are supported by the charity Children Heard and Seen

During the summer of 2019, artist Sarah Moncrieff led art workshops with children from Children Heard and Seen, a Charity which supports children with a parent in prison. Workshops ran over the period of 2 weeks, and the children had the opportunity to work on watercolour mosaics, palette knife landscape paintings, portraits and experiment with materials such as pastel and acrylic paints.


October 2019

“Inside Spaces”, an exhibition of work by prisoners and children of prisoners at Cornerstone Arts centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire and featured as part of the Oxfordshire Artweeks festival.

The work that the children produced during the summer workshops together with the work produced by men at HMP Bullingdon following art sessions there with Sarah, was put on exhibition at The Cornerstone Arts Centre in Didcot during October 2019.

The exhibition was really well received and was featured in the Experience Oxfordshire “Top Ten art Picks” for Autumn 2019.


This exhibition was featured in the Oxford Mail 26th April 2019

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2nd August 2022 Hillend Children Heard and Seen Silhouette and paint splash workshop (13).
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Registered Charity Number 1189470

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